March 25th – Our Europe mobilization and demo in Rome
March 23rd-24th – thematic forum, meetings and actions
On March 25th, the EU leaders will gather in Rome, to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the Rome Treaties, which initiated the process of European integration. Europe is collapsing: social frustration and fear produced by neoliberal policies and austerity feed reactionary and regressive nationalistic movements. Borders, walls, barbed wires are growing everywhere. Migrants are the first victims, together with democracy and social rights. All of us are in danger, this is not a normal time.
And we feel the duty to show in Rome, on March 25th, that European people is not obliged to chose between the neoliberal policies and the regressive ones. Another way is possibile: to save Europe by changing it, in the name of democracy, rights, welcoming and solidarity. Europe is our battlefield, we have to overcome fragmentation and come together to be stronger and more effective.
A very large and plural coalition of civil society organizations, associations, trade unions, social centers, social movements and coalitions, foundations is preparing three days of action in Rome, and a demo on March 25th.
Europeans organizations and coalitions already sign the call (including Via Campesina, Blockupy International, Transform Europe, Civil Society Europe, Eumedrights Network, European Civic Forum, Solidar, Concord Europe, DiEM25, European Alternatives, and others) which is supported also by leftist and progressive political actors.
The call in different languages, and the list of subscribers can be read on the website:
The facebook page is lanostraeuropa – twitter @lanostraeuropa.
To sign the call, and to ask for info, the email address is:
On March 23th – 24th many events, meetings, and actions will take place in Rome, promoted by different organizations and coalitions on different issues: social rights, women, school, migration, agriculture, climate and energy, peace and conflicts, Palestine, active citizenship and others. They will be attended by Italian and European activists, as well as by prominent social and political personalities.
Many of these meetings will take place in the University La Sapienza, where a sort of La Nostra Europa Village will be organized in order to welcome participants.The complete program of the events will be published on the website in the next days.
On March 25th, La Nostra Europa March will start at 11:00 from Piazza Vittorio – a multicultural square close to Termini Station, to arrive to Colosseum.
To Colosseum another march, the March for Europe organized by Federalist Movements, will converge in order to have a common conclusion
We ask everybody who share the call and feel the need to converge in this dangerous time to change and save Europe and our common future
to support this demo and if possible to come to Rome
Only popular participation can bring borders and barbed wires back in the past of the European history, and keep them there forever.
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