[ueberregionalemailinglistegriechenlandsoli] Polizeiangriff auf Solidaritätskaravane von VIO.Me
Police attacks Viome’s „Caravan of Struggle and Solidarity“ after a fruitless meeting with vice-minister (1.7.2016)
Workers of the occupied self-managed factories of Viome, in Thessaloniki, and Roben, in Veria, along with supporters from all over Greece, have started their „Caravan of Struggle and Solidarity“ on the afternoon of Thursday 31 June, to protest the inactivity of the government and its unwillingness to legalise the operation of the two recuperated companies.
The mobilisation coincides with the end of a six-month moratorium on the auction process for the liquidation of Viome’s premises, a moratorium that was won after intense struggle by the workers, who managed to physically block the auction process four times last December………
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