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September 27: Peace in Europe Now! #SaveDonbassPeople!

Bloged in Krise by friedi Mittwoch September 17, 2014

Call for an international action day 27th of September 2014

We need to strengthen our struggle for peace and international solidarity with the People in the Donbass region and all of Ukraine. With hundreds of thousands refugees fleeing from the Ukrainian war and indiscriminate shelling of civilians there is a need to act in a common solidarity effort.

The time has come to gather the many initiatives for peace in solidarity with the Donbass people and all of Ukraine. It is an urgent task before winter arrives.
We are against fascism and chauvinism, regardless of „nationality“. We are against the killing of civilians and political terror, no matter where it comes from. We are against the propaganda lie on either side of the front, in the West or Russia. We are against the continuation of the Ukrainian Anti Terrorist Operation so far supported by EU and NATO as well as Russian and NATO military equipment, soldiers, mercenaries or volunteers in the conflict zone.

We oppose the promotion of enemy images and call for de-escalation of both military conflicts and economical sanctions in Europe. The severe socio-economic hardships and ecological risks for people in common in all of Ukraine is not only caused by the war. It is also due to Ukrainian decisions to follow the demands made by IMF with the devastating social and ecological effects we have seen in many countries. Ukraine have also decided to close mines and markets for industry in the East making the future  there especially uncertain. Instead of war and profit seeking, social justice is needed to enable investments in a sustainable society for all.

Stop the Ukrainian war – peace building now!

Save Donbass and all Ukrainian People!

No to austerity – yes to social justice and protection of the environment!
Join the action at:

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