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Bloged in Allgemein by friedi Samstag November 19, 2011

Konferenzbericht: Alternativen zur extremen Rechten in ökonomischen Krisenzeiten

Bericht von der internationalen Konferenz vom 11. -13.11.2011 in Kiev (in Englisch)From November 11th – 13th there was in Kiew an international conference on the rise of the far right. The conference „Alternatives to the rise of the far right in times of economic, social and ecological crises“ was organized within the framework of the European Social Forum process.

The conference which took place in the Kiev Home of Cinema was attended by 100 participants from 14 countries. Even Mexico was represented.

The participants exchanged  their analyses and experiences in the struggle against the far right. In the centre of the dabates were:

– the main reasons for the international rise of the far right
– how to fight against right wing populism and extremism
– improvement of the international cooperation of the networks against the far right.

The conference  started with a podium discussion on Friday November 11th evening.

On Saturday 17h there was a manifestation in the centre of Kiew.

The conference adopted a final declaration and a letter of solidarity with the Polish movement against the far right which made antifascist demonstrations in Warsaw and Wroclaw- just during the conference in Kiew.

We rejected the „declaration of Prague“ which  puts  fascism and communism on one level. A  text against this declaration  can be signed.

The next concrete activities of our „alleuropean network against the far right will be:

– international solidarity actions with our comrade Algirdas Paleckis who faces a political trial on December 14th
– common actions like in  Dresden where  mass blockades prevented that the Nazis could march through the city
– using our  website www.praguespring.net2 as a permanent organ to exchange informations and analyses and prepare common actions

In solidarity
Wien, 18.11.2011, Hermann Dworczak ( activist in the Austrian Social Forum/ ASF; 0043 / 676 / 972 31 10 )

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